Chapter 1 – Description Description: Seek to employ theories and practices using the Python language and its libraries for Data Analysis and Machine Learning, among other technologies such as SAS Enterprise Miner and Streamlit to demonstrate the importance of the steps and use of Data Analysis and Machine Learning techniques step by step.
Category: Projects
Management System of Medical Service for GPs and Patients – Using C# and MS SQL Server
Description: System to meet the demand for consultations, scheduling, and treatment of patients in GPs. The project includes a client/server system in C# desktop application with MVC and layering techniques, Object Orientation, with persistence in a MS SQL Server Express database with exception handling, security (log ins and passwords, releasing only the modules for each function).
Vigas Movies
Technologies: Java EE (JavaServer Faces 2.2), Ajax, MySQL 5.7, Workbench 8, Primefaces 6.2, CSS, Bootstrap 4.1.3, Java Script, Fontes Google, Font Awesome, NetBeans, JDBC, GlassFish Server, JSF Description: Web application to register, view and control movies, movies genres and directors.System uses MVC techniques, using client/server for data persistence and control, optimized searches, excess handling, and interactivity.